The Kissing Valet. Walk or Engage?

I received an e-mail from a reader who has had enough of the overly friendly valet who kisses every woman exiting her car at his hot-spot restaurant stand in Highland Park Village. We’re not in France, Buster. And we don’t like to walk in the heat from a far away locale sportin’ luncheon heels either.

Faced with this dilemna do you choose the kiss or the walk? Remember, the kiss is a double cheek with an extended linger and based on car door angle and the valet’s rapid approach, there’s rarely a duck and bolt opp. I’m goin’ with the walk.

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11 thoughts on “The Kissing Valet. Walk or Engage?

  • August 31, 2010 at 12:41 pm

    I’m not too shy or too polite to just throw my hands up to physically block and say very loudly “do not EVER touch me again!”

  • August 31, 2010 at 1:15 pm

    Ewww…this really happens?? I would be totally freaked out if the guy getting my What-A-Chikn just reached over and kissed me. WTH is up with this valet? He needs an HR refresher on boundaries and personal space.

  • August 31, 2010 at 1:28 pm

    This is so tough for me, as I just dropped of 3 pair of Manolo’s to Deno for repair, I’m sure it’s caused by this Valet Problem. I often elect to walk, grumbling the whole time. That is until I get in eye shot of him, when I have to RUN to avoid ENGAGE!

  • August 31, 2010 at 4:09 pm

    I thought I was the only one and now my feelings are hurt. Kidding of course! I am here to say that this has happened to me. It didn’t seem to matter that I am married and the valet parker knows my husband. Yes I have had the unfortunate and gross experience of a valet kiss and being shouted at across the parking lot “Hey Baby”. I am sure he means well…hahaha

  • August 31, 2010 at 10:41 pm

    I have never had a valet kiss from him (thankfully), but have enjoyed his friendly hello every time I’m in the Village. And I have heard a “Hey Baby” but it always makes me smile!

  • September 1, 2010 at 9:45 am

    What I WANT to know is why the cute valet at Partizios isn’t handing out kisses? No, it is the sweet Mr. Mutton Chops. However, you can’t argue that he loves his job and treats it like a business. Yes, personal boundaries are blurry but he definitely is cut from the cloth of “if you are going to do a job, do it well and if you get a chance to cop a feel–well, BONUS”

  • September 1, 2010 at 3:09 pm

    I think those are awfully rude, mean spitited comments about someone who is simply doing his job with warmth and enthusiasm. In a time when the service industry is in an all time low, I find his lightness and happiness refreshing. I assure you, I would not be so glad to greet everyone if I had to stand out in 100 degree heat, or freezing weather all day.
    I’ll take a “hey baby” anyday over someone being rude or complacent.
    If a kiss on the cheek makes your nervous, just lean back. No one is forcing you to kiss, hug or even shake his hand.
    Merrit, I truly hope he doesn’t read all these rude comments and change his ways.
    Shame on you for being mean.

  • September 2, 2010 at 7:52 am

    The kiss is probably overkill. I don’t want those other women’s germs on me.

    However if it’s Mr. Sideburns he may just need some instruction on appropriate kissing etiquette. He is a great valet. He knows most people by name. Will wave if you’re a block away and hold the door open for you if you’re entering the building. He’s proud of his job and the service he provides.

    So if the Hunt sisters’ husbands are reading this don’t kill his enthusiasm, just temper his amorousness.

  • September 2, 2010 at 2:22 pm

    is this the best picture you could come up with is one with a booger in it?

  • September 2, 2010 at 4:15 pm

    This is so tough for me, I just dropped off 3 pairs of Manolo’s??? faced with this dilemna do you choose the kiss or walk????? Are y’all serious????? Is this really your biggest problem of the day? Does anyone think this sounds just a tad bit shallow – complaining about your valet guy who parks your car? Aren’t we all so fortunate that we are able to live in this nice community where valet parking is an everyday occurrence?

    I know exactly who you are talking about and I find his cheerfulness and positive attitude refreshing. I have never once thought he was coming on to me. I mean it’s just a kiss on the cheek – it’s not like he’s trying to shove his tongue down your throat! You ladies think pretty highly of yourself if you think he is coming on to you!

    It has nothing to do with France, I think he’s just trying to be friendly. I think a kiss on the cheek from a gentleman to a lady is a perfectly acceptable greeting in the south. Merritt – you might want to consult with your friend Miss Manners on this type of greeting.

    He’s a nice man working hard to earn a living. So instead of making fun of him behind his back, give him the big tip that he deserves for doing a job well done. A “hey baby” is much better than the finger!

  • September 24, 2010 at 2:23 pm

    it’s one thing to gripe about stupid crap, but if you dont like something someone is doing tell them. SAY NO. remember in school… “no means no”? dont blog about it… jeez. so under-handed.


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