20 Under 40: Jason Saucedo

Hewitt & Habgood Group with Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate
Education: University of Dallas
Jason Saucedo’s lightbulb moment that propelled him into his career was realizing the only person that could hold him back from accomplishing anything in life was himself. Once that was clear, setting and achieving goals became second nature. Ten years from now, Jason hopes to look back on his life and know he’s continued efforts to grow and help as many people as he can – not just as a partner at his job, but also through philanthropic work raising money for Alzheimer research and community service through his alma mater, Jesuit College Preparatory. “I want to look back and know that I’ve made this world a better place … and hopefully, have a positive impact on those around me,” he said. The 2017 Five Star Professional Rising Star and three-year-in-a-row D Magazine top producer, among other accolades, also is a strong advocate for top-notch education and donates to Jesuit’s scholarship fund because he believes all children “should have the same opportunities that I was so fortunate to receive, regardless of cost, if they qualify.”
Q: If you could buy a book for your neighbor, what would it be and why?
A: “Winning with People” by John C Maxwell. This is a great book on how to communicate that will help anyone in all facets of life. Communication is so important whether it is with your spouse, friends, children, boss, or employee.
Q: If you could, what advice would you have for your teenage self?
A: Trust in yourself. God built you the way you are for a reason, and while you don’t see it now, he put everything you need inside of you. It’s your responsibility to learn and grow to be the best version of yourself.
Did You Know?
My first job was at the YMCA as an umpire for tee-ball games.
Q: What was your first job and what did you learn from it?
A: My first real job when I was 16 was working retail, I learned to engage people and ask good questions so I could figure out what they were looking for. I got comfortable talking to strangers and making them feel comfortable in a short time period. I also learned that I loved to work with people. I enjoyed work because every day was a new challenge and new people to meet. I found out that I was very good with people and helping them find what they were looking for.
Q: Where do you see yourself and/or your career 10 years from now?
A: Ten years can go by in a blink, but in reality, it is a long way away. I find that people often underestimate what can be accomplished in 10 years. I see myself continuing to grow and help as many people as I can through Real Estate, and in turn hopefully providing me with the resources to help even more people outside of Real Estate with the charities I belong to. In 10 years I want to look back and know that I’ve made the world a better place than it was 10 years ago and hopefully have a positive impact on those around me.
Q: What was your “lightbulb moment” that lead you to your career?
A: My light bulb moment what just realizing that the only person that can hold me back from accomplishing anything in life was myself. Once that was clear, setting and achieving goals became second nature. I was competing in life the same way I would compete in sports and it became fun to push myself every day to get better in all facets of life.
Q: Which leadership skills were the most challenging for you to develop and why?
A: I think the hardest leadership trait to develop at a high level is effective communication with all different personalities. Most people gravitate to personalities that mirror elements of their own self-image. Sometimes you can have the same opinion but since you are coming from different perspectives you are on a different wavelength. A leader that cannot communicate with a potential follower is useless no matter how smart or great that leader may be. I have spent a lot of time studying leadership and communication so that I can try to always listen to the person across from me to not only hear what they are saying but to understand the context and perspective it is being communicated from. A 6ft door is tall to someone that is 4ft but short to someone how is 7 ft even though it is the same height for both people. If I don’t understand the context I cannot address the actual problem.
Q: What do you love about the Park Cities or Preston Hollow community and why?
A: I grew up there, I’m involved in the community. It’s hard to go to the grocery store and not run into someone I know. As big as Dallas is, this area feels like a small town that way. There are so many new restaurants opening up and it really is the heart of Dallas. Right in the middle, you have easy access to anywhere in DFW, but you also have everything you need within a mile.
Q: What is your favorite local store?
A: Eatzi’s
Q: Where is the best place in the Park Cities or Preston Hollow for a power lunch – what do you order?
A: I’m always a sucker for some Tex-Mex; Brisket Tacos from Taco Diner and some queso.
Q: If there was ONE thing that you could change or improve in the community, what would it be?
A: I’m a big believer in education. I was fortunate enough to go to great private schools, but as home prices grow in Preston Hollow as well as tuition that becomes harder and harder for families. Having a top notch education available would make that easier for families. That being said that is also why I choose to donate the scholarship funds at Jesuit because I know it is expensive and I feel other kids should have the same opportunities that I was so fortunate to receive, regardless of cost if they qualify.
Q: If someone made a movie of your life, what would the title be and who would play you?
A: “Life is a Game, play hard” – I’ve been told I look like Tyler Posey
Q: If we looked at your social media accounts, what would we learn about you?
A: It’s mostly Real Estate these days but you would probably learn that I have a beautiful wife and Daughter, I love my work, and helping people. I’m active with Jesuit and BvB raising money and trying to do good. I have an adorable dog, and some of the best friends and family in the world.
Q: What, to date, has been your most impressive or rewarding accomplishment in both your professional and personal life?
A: Personally it is my family, they are the best. My wife and daughter are happy and that is all I can ask for.
Professionally would have to be becoming a partner this year at Hewitt & Habgood. It’s a huge honor and a big step professionally.