Understanding the Real Cost of Education After Divorce: Know Your Rights

Texas calculates child support payments using a percentage-of-income formula, but family law orders are never one-size-fits-all. Most parents know all too well that a child’s age significantly affects the cost of raising the child. Very young children usually require either expensive daycare or full-time attention from a stay-at-home parent. Older teenagers can also be very expensive, as they are often involved in costly extracurricular activities and educational pursuits.

These factors can influence whether a higher amount of child support is necessary. For example, extracurricular activities should reflect the child’s actual needs. While a child might want to attend an expensive summer camp, a more practical and affordable option may be more appropriate. In any respect, child support must give the children the same standard of living they would have had if their parents had remained married. A judge can adjust the guidelines based on circumstances such as college education costs, special needs and other factors related to a child’s future. That’s why it’s important to consult an attorney about your case. Child support awards are not set in stone.


Orsinger, Nelson, Downing, Anderson, LLP is one of the largest family law firms in the state. The practice of family law is not just a profession, but a deeply held vocation. Every ONDA partner is Board Certified in Family Law by The Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

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