Meghan Sanders Taylor

Meghan Sanders Taylor is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Andrew Taylor of Dallas. Meg is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wade Sanders of Dallas and Mrs. Patricia Reckling Taylor and the late Terrell Orman Taylor of Houston. Meg’s brother, Andrew Taylor, Jr. is a 2012 Highland Park High School graduate, and a graduate of the University of Arkansas. Andrew works in Dallas. Meg’s sister, Margo Taylor, a 2015 graduate of Highland Park High School and a 2016 La Fiesta Dutchess is a senior at Texas A&M University. Meg’s brother, Preston Taylor is a freshman at Highland Park High School.
Meg is a 2018 graduate of Highland Park High School where she served as a Junior Symphony Ball committee member, officer of both the Hilites service club and 65 Roses service organization.
Meg is a member of Highland Park United Methodist Church.
Meg attends Texas Christian University where is a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. She plans to study interior design.
La Fiesta is proud to present Meghan Sanders Taylor as the Duchess of Spindletop.