William Wylie Rutherford III

William Wylie Rutherford III is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wylie Rutherford Jr. of Highland Park. He is the grandson of Mrs. Josephine Reiser of Ohio and the late Mr. George Robert Reiser, Mrs. Grace Rutherford and Mr. William Wylie Rutherford Sr.
Wills graduated summa cum laude from Highland Park High School in 2018 as a National AP Scholar. He was a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta (math honorary), National English Honor Society, Rho Kappa (social studies honorary) and was president of the Science National Honor Society.
Wills was a member of Boy Scouts Troop 82, earning the rank of Eagle Scout his freshman year as well as receiving both the Bronze and Gold Palm awards. Wills was a member of the Applied Science Club at Highland Park High School and served as president. He was a Highland Park High School Student Ambassador, Fish Camp counselor and a member of Young Men’s Service League.
Wills attends Rice University pursuing a degree in chemical engineering. Wills runs his own tutoring business and enjoys playing the piano, baking, snow skiing, and traveling with family.