Ava Lachlyn Olivo

Ava Lachlyn Olivo is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Weldon Olivo. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Haskell Olivo and the late Mr. Olivo of Norman, Oklahoma , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hendrix of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Keller of Granbury, Texas. Her brother, Bond, was a 2014 La Fiesta Escort, and is completing his Master of Accountancy degree at Southern Methodist University.
A 2018 graduate of Highland Park High School, Ava was a member of National Honor Society, and recipient of the Presidential Silver Service Hour Award three consecutive years. Ava served as an officer and active leader for service clubs, ARK (Acts of Random Kindness) and Roots. Ava was a member of the Park Cities Chapter of the National Charity League. She was extremely active in NCL, serving in leadership positions and earning philanthropy awards each year.
Ava attends the University of Oklahoma, where she is majoring in interior architecture. She is a member of the President’s Leadership Class, and a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority.
La Fiesta is proud to present Ava Lachlyn Olivo as the Duchess of the Evening Primrose.