Grace Anne Palles

Grace Anne Palles is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Paul Palles. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Sherry Greathouse Bucher and the late Raymond Eugene Bucher; and Mrs. Sophia Beleos Palles and the late Nicholas Lee Palles. Grace’s twin brother, George, is a La Fiesta Escort this year. Her brother, Nick, a recent graduate from the University of Oklahoma, works in Barcelona, Spain through his international business degree. Grace’s younger brother, Stephen, is a senior at Highland Park High School and plays varsity soccer.
Grace is a 2019 Highland Park High School graduate. She was captain of the Lady Scots JV soccer team, and was on the Lady Scots varsity cross country and track teams. Grace participated in National Charity League, served two summers as a councelor at Camp Barnabas, and wrote a fashion column in Highland Park Estate Life. Grace attended Parsons School of Fashion in New York following her high school graduation.
Currently Grace studies marketing at the University of Oklahaoma. She is a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority, and Orthodox Christian Fellowship.
La Fiesta is proud to present Grace Anne Palles as the Duchess of the Alamo.