Max Adler Besser

Max Adler Besser is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Adler Besser of Dallas. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alan Byerhof of Naples, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corman of Dallas and the late Rabbi Saul Besser. Max’s older sister Zoë, a senior at the University of Colorado Boulder, was a La Fiesta Duchess in 2016. His twin brother Jacob, a freshman at the University of Colorado Boulder, is also a 2019 La Fiesta Escort.
Max graduated with Honors from The Shelton School and was a member of the National Honor Society. He played in the Shelton Drum Line for more than four years and was snare captain his senior year. Max participated in band, theatre and Student Council. He was active in the film club and served as president his senior year. Max attended Camp Thunderbird for Boys in Bemidji, Minnesota for seven years as a camper and counselor. He is an avid hiker and has backpacked throughout the United States and Canadian Rocky Mountains.
Max is majoring in film production at Emerson College and is a Dean’s List Scholar. He enjoys playing the guitar and drums and making films.