HP Town Council Briefed on Capital Project Updates

Highland Park town council members were briefed on the quarterly capital improvement plan for the 2023 fiscal year, with projects including Hackberry Creek, Lakeside Park, and other projects.

Thirty-inch Interceptor Rehabilitation and Lakeside Drive Improvements

This project includes rehabilitation of the town’s 30-inch interceptor, full reconstruction of Lakeside Drive, and waterline improvements. The limits are Armstrong Avenue to Beverly Drive.

The estimated project cost is $5.568 million with $1,447,543 coming from University Park. The 30-inch receptor rehabilitation is complete, waterline improvements are expected to be complete in mid-April, concrete paving is underway, and the project is anticipated to be complete in early June.

Hackberry Creek Improvements

The Hackberry Creek project is divided in two phases, and phase one is underway with design anticipated to complete in early fall 2024. This phase includes erosion mitigation, repairing/replacing retaining walls, stormwater outfalls, landscape restoration, roadway improvements at creek crossings, and tennis court renovations.

The limits are Byron Avenue to Miramar Avenue with an estimated project cost of $5.8 million.

(READ: Hackberry Creek Renovation Design to Commence)

Holland Avenue Elevated Storage Tank

The Holland Avenue elevated storage tank was last rehabilitated in the early 2000s. The project includes a new composite elevated storage tank, roadway and utility improvements, standby generators, permitting, site planning for the service center, and coordination and relocation of DPS radio equipment and franchise utility cellular equipment.

The estimated project cost is $6,619,950 and it’s anticipated for 60% of design to be complete in late April with construction starting in fall 2023.

Lakeside Park Improvements

Lakeside Park improvements, between Armstrong Avenue and Beverly Drive, include grading low areas and mitigation ponding, vegetation of bare areas, selective tree removal, and sidewalk repair. Also included are sidewalk improvements, bench/bench pads, and ADA accessibility.

The town plans to present options for discussion to the town council later this summer.

(READ: Highland Park Town Council Reviews Lakeside Park, Access to Bears)

Town director of engineering Lori Chapin said the schedules and costs for the projects are estimated.

In other news, during its March 4 meeting and study session, the town council:

  • Proclaimed April 23-29, 2023, as National Library Week in the Town of Highland Park.
  • Reviewed, discussed, and approved the selection of PlainsCapital Bank as the town’s bank depository for a two-year period beginning July 1, 2023.
  • Reviewed, discussed, and approved the purchase of a backhoe for public works.
  • Reviewed the monthly financial and investment report for the period ending Feb. 28, 2023.

The selection of a new town administrator also remains ongoing.

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