Behind the Bag Business of Lauren and Zack McLarnon

Parker & Hyde takes off after wedding coordinator’s chance St. Bernard’s encounter

A Preston Hollow couple’s hobby selling furniture and other leather goods online has grown into a national brand with products in big box retailers, including Dillard’s and St. Bernard’s. 

Lauren and Zack McLarnon started what would become Parker & Hyde as a custom furniture and leather company. 

“We kind of built a name for ourselves – not a Parker & Hyde name – just Zack on Facebook,” Zack joked.

Lauren then decided to use leather scraps from the furniture and other products to make handbags. 

“I went on a search for a manufacturer to make the perfect bag, which is our signature cowhide clutch,” Lauren said. 

After she found a manufacturer and made a few hundred bags to start, she took them to Abilene, where she’s from, to show family and friends.

“When I was there, I literally sold out of all the bags, and I was taking orders,” Lauren said.

They officially launched Parker & Hyde primarily as an e-commerce business in December 2016 after the birth of their first child, Parker.

“We were just proud we had a brand, and people were interested in our bags,” Zack said.

But business took off after introducing the products to their wedding coordinator.

“We loaded her up with some bags because she just kind of knows everyone in town, and we thought they’d be great bridesmaid’s gifts,” he said.

Then one day at St. Bernard’s, the wedding coordinator opened her trunk, and the owner, who happened to be there, took notice.

Soon, the McLarnons were “officially in the wholesale business” with products in well-known stores and smaller boutiques. 

Zach estimated they had products in 500 to 600 stores when the October 2019 tornado struck their Preston-Royal office, followed by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. 

“We were working out of our house during COVID. We needed to do something; we knew nothing was really selling,” Zack said. “We wanted something that resonated with summer.”

They launched the neoprene tote bags they’re perhaps best known for now in July 2020. 

“It just took off … and really kind of saved our year,” Zack said. “And 2021-2022 has been our greatest year so far.”

“Each bag that we have serves a different purpose,” Lauren added. 

Their latest collection includes woven bags with a Lycra fiber blend. 

“We have 21 different colors and patterns,” Lauren said. “Perhaps what I’m most excited about is we are introducing a larger tote as well as a mini.”

Parker & Hyde also plans to launch a men’s apparel line soon.

“I didn’t really grow up wanting to sell purses, believe it or not, but I grew up always wanting a challenge,” Zack said. “Selfishly, I kind of want something that I’m super excited about, right?”

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Rachel Snyder

Rachel Snyder, former deputy editor at People Newspapers, joined the staff in 2019, returning to her native Dallas-Fort Worth after starting her career at community newspapers in Oklahoma. One of her stories won first place in its category in the Oklahoma Press Association’s Better Newspaper Contest in 2018. She’s a fan of puns and community journalism, not necessarily in that order.

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