Tom Landry; Ever Heard of Him?

In this week’s edition of Park Cities People, Chuck Cox writes about Randy Allen’s impending status as the winningest football coach at Highland Park High School. That story is accompanied by Christina Barany’s photo of Allen standing next to the statue of Tom Landry outside Cowboys Stadium. This photo was inspired by the fact that Allen wears a fedora and tie during games as a tribute to Landry.

As it turns out, this photo has inspired much controversy in the Park Cities People office. Those of us who were born before 1975 — me, Chuck, circulation guru Dorothy Wood, and … well … gee, that might be all of us — were horrified to learn that some of our younger colleagues had never heard of Tom Landry. That’s right; the name meant absolutely nothing to them.

4 thoughts on “Tom Landry; Ever Heard of Him?

  • October 14, 2010 at 12:42 pm

    While I was born after 1975, I’d like to go ahead and mention that I knew who Tom Landry was prior to Dan’s inquiry. So, there.

  • October 14, 2010 at 1:02 pm

    are you kidding?

    I first learned I was born before 1975 when younger workers at the job asked:
    “Was “Wings” Paul McCartney’s first band?
    Who was JFK, what does that mean?
    Mark Welch

  • October 14, 2010 at 5:12 pm

    i believe that posing for that picture tells you all you need to know about coach allen.

  • October 14, 2010 at 10:50 pm

    Shame on any fan not knowing about Coach Landry, or Dandy Don, or Bullet Bob, and Leroy or, or, or DAMN. Dallas only has a little history. It’s doesn’t take long to learn it. There are fewer historic figures in Dallas than there are shoe brands in Nordstroms. Take a minute, for God’s sake.

    As for the HP coach – in your freakin’ dreams buddy. You can wear the hat all you want, and your record is great, but you can’t touch Coach Landry as a player, a person, a Christian or even a coach. No knock on you, few people can, cause the man was incredible. Keep doing what you’re doing, but PLEASE don’t pose with the statue. Makes you look like an idiot and it degrades a great man.


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